Mosquitoes are harmful insects that proliferate during the summer and whose bites are the most common problem of the season. Only there is a solution to this problem that does not require the use of chemicals. There is an effective natural insecticide that will kill mosquitoes: coffee grounds. One thing is certain: you will quickly adopt this ingenious method during the summer season!

To repel mosquitoes, it is best to use a natural alternative to get rid of these biting insects. The principle? Burn coffee grounds. Thanks to its smell, it repels them permanently, especially during the summer when they are numerous.

Why use natural alternatives against insects?

To fight against mosquitoes, there is no need to invest in expensive and polluting insecticide products. And for good reason, repellent sprays on the market are often full of chemicals that can be dangerous for you, your children or your pets.

To keep them away from your home, you can favor a  natural trick . This one is effective and will allow you to see results in no time!

Burn coffee grounds to kill mosquitoes

ground coffee

Ground coffee – Source: spm

During the night, it is unpleasant to feel the presence of a  mosquito  around us. To remedy this, adopt this unstoppable trick.

It is perfectly possible to scare away these insects in a short time by using coffee grounds.

To do this, spread this brown powder on aluminum foil that you will put in a bowl.

Let it dry for a few minutes.

Burn everything with a lighter or a match as if it were incense. That's it!

Coffee grounds an effective repellent

coffee grounds plate

Coffee grounds on a plate – Source: spm

Coffee  grounds  have a real mosquito repellent effect.

It should be noted that this ingredient already gives off a rather strong smell and when you burn it, it becomes even more powerful.

Coffee grounds are the radical solution to repel mosquitoes and delicately perfume your interior.

5 more ways to recycle coffee grounds

Create a scented candle

Incorporate a little coffee grounds into melted beeswax, place 1 wick in a jar and pour the mixture into the jar to obtain a candle with a sweet scent of coffee… Ideal for dinners on the terrace!

Getting the best from earthworms

Pour coffee grounds into a vermicomposter as in the garden, because its nutrients are a delight for earthworms who feast on it and then ideally fertilize the soil by diffusing it in depth.

Revive brown wood

Let infuse for about 1 hour coffee grounds, depending on the color of the wood, add water with 1 tbsp. tablespoons of household vinegar to adjust the tint, then apply to the wood before rinsing.

Bluing hydrangea flowers

Mix, once a week, 1 handful of coffee grounds with the soil of the hydrangeas, to make them take on a pretty bluish colour.

Strengthen Orchids

Regularly enrich the soil of the orchids with a little coffee grounds to provide them with phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium, which are essential for their growth.