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Stop the ants! Clean the floor like this and she won't come into your house anymore.


Summer has its many advantages, of course. But this season also has a major drawback: the mass arrival of multiple insects of all types, flying and crawling. Among them, of course, we find ants, annoying little creatures that leave us no respite. Although they play a role in the natural balance, they are nevertheless invasive and harm your plantations. We find them everywhere, in the garden in single file, in our pantry and sometimes even under our sheets! Suffice to say that this massive invasion is a real calamity. Obviously, as they are tiny and harmless, we prefer to avoid crushing them or spraying them with chemicals. He does there is therefore nothing like natural remedies to repel these insects from your home without harming the environment and without spending too much money. Here are 3 particularly effective and economical solutions to use today!


To get rid of this colony of ants, it is sometimes enough to unearth a few natural ingredients that you will easily find in the kitchen cupboards. Since these insects have a tendency to ravage garden plants and enter different areas of the house, it is best to act quickly. However, the measures adopted must be chosen with care to avoid damaging your plants or harming your pets. Discover these natural remedies perfectly adapted to the situation.

Ants at home

Ants at home – Source: spm

How to easily keep ants away from the house?   

If you want to repel ants, whether from your house or the garden, you must bet on the smells that they can't stand and that deter them from prowling around. At the top of the list is vinegar. Its strong acid scent is ideal for keeping them away. By diluting it in equal proportions with water, you will get a cheap and effective repellent in the fight against ants. Just gently dip a cloth in it and wipe the worktops, as well as any other surfaces invaded  by these little insects where they love to roam.

Aromatic herbs

Another ingenious solution to keep ants away: aromatic herbs. On terraces and balconies, some of them can be particularly dissuasive. Their powerful scent will definitely discourage them from approaching the premises. So opt for those you often use in cooking, such as rosemary, marjoram, bay leaf, basil, thyme or mint. This is nature's most insightful deterrent! In addition, in places where ants roam, we advise you to place fresh tomato leaves,  the smell of which will also effectively drive away these insects .

Ants on the plants

Ants on the plants –Source: spm


What to do when ants attack your garden?  To win this battle, all you need is a medium-sized pot with well-packed sawdust so it doesn't topple over. Then place the pot next to the anthill.

After a few days, they should set up their nest there. It is precisely there that you will have the possibility of moving it away from your garden. A word of advice: sprinkle the soil around the anthill with cinnamon. This ingredient is not only safe for plants, but it also protects them against pests and diseases.
