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5 signs your home is being watched by burglars


Experiencing a burglary can be a traumatic experience, so to prevent this from happening, increasingly sophisticated security systems are installed using surveillance cameras. But does that make burglars give up? Not sure ! As proof, here are 5 signs that show that your home has been spotted by criminals who will not hesitate to attack.

Nobody is safe from a burglary. Nevertheless, there are some warning signs that may indicate that your home is the target of burglars. To avoid finding yourself in this type of situation, there are certain signs that can tell you that your home has been targeted.

The 5 signs that indicate your home is being targeted by burglars

Our home is both a place of residence and an intimate space that we shape in our image and that we wish to preserve and protect from any foreign intrusion. For this, the installation and implementation of safety devices are the easiest way to achieve this. But can technology, however advanced it be, be able on its own to deter thieves and burglars? Home burglaries are common, it's a fact. So how do you know if your home has become the target of burglars? This is what we are going to discover in this article, by presenting you with these 5 signs that show that your home is the target of a future burglary.

Burglar approaching a home

Burglar approaching a home – Source: spm

1- Burglars search your trash cans

If burglars have targeted your home, then they won't break in without first getting plenty of information. Most often, they attack your trash cans by searching your household waste in search of  documents, notes, correspondence or photocopies of official documents that  may contain  personal information  : social security number, identity card number , bank account details (RIB), passport or any other important data concerning you.

2- Burglars make your dog disappear

Aside from being arrested, what most burglars fear are pets and especially dogs, which they consider  their worst enemy during a burglary . Therefore, they may consider kidnapping it before committing their crime by letting you think your dog has run away or accidentally run away. If your dog has disappeared and you suspect a kidnapping or abduction, do not hesitate to  report this incident to the authorities  and at the same time contact the company responsible for your dog's microchip to explain the situation to them so that they do what is necessary.

3- Burglars empty the tank of your car

The tank of a car

The fuel tank of a car – Source: spm

While guarding a home or house, burglars do not hesitate to follow their owners to their place of work. The purpose of such a maneuver? Empty all the fuel in  their car's tank  to  delay them as long as possible  so they can't get home as quickly. During this time, the burglar has plenty of time to warn his accomplice or accomplices, so that they have time to break into their victims' homes. In which case, you find that your tank is empty, do not hesitate to  contact your neighbors or one of your family members  to check your home.

4- Burglars break a window as a way of locating

Once the house is targeted, burglars must ensure that it is empty or uninhabited. In this case, they use the pebble method. That is to say, they use a pebble or a stone by  throwing it against the windows and panes  of the home. If no owner or neighbor comes forward then they will deduce that  the house is uninhabited. They will therefore have plenty of time to build their plan and come back in the next few days, at the same time, to commit their crime. To avoid this situation, you can always simulate your presence by buying boxes with a timer. Connected to electrical outlets, these will allow the light to be turned on according to previously programmed times. Because remember, if a thief thinks you're still home, then he won't dare venture there.

broken glass

Broken window – Source: spm 

5- Burglars watch the mailbox

What attracts the most attention to burglars when monitoring a house is undoubtedly the mailbox . Indeed,  an overflowing mailbox  is often synonymous with negligence, which makes burglars think that the tenants or owners have been absent for a long time. Therefore, in the event of prolonged absence and to prevent your home from being burglarized, do not hesitate to ask your neighbors to come and  check your mail regularly  so that the attention of burglars is not too focused on your home and that he does not become the next target of their crime.

Faced with the determination of some burglars, it is best to pay attention to every detail that seems suspicious to you, taking into account all the information and advice provided in this article.
