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Create Your Perfect Garden: 10 Tips to Create Your Perfect Outdoor Space


Photo by cocoparisienne on Pixabay

Do you love to spend time outdoors? Do you want your home to be full of natural light, tranquil sounds, and fragrant scents? If so, then creating an outdoor space is something that you should prioritize. Oh yes, this is because research shows that spending time in nature is one of the best stress relieving activities out there. It also helps promote relaxation, introspection, and creativity. Even though we don’t always get the opportunity to spend hours outside in the company of family and friends, it doesn’t mean we can’t bring that same sense of serenity indoors with a little planning and some clever DIY inspirations. To help inspire you to start creating your perfect garden, today we have rounded up 10 simple tips that can have your green thumb blooming in no time!

Plan your garden layout thoroughly

This tip is especially important because you can use your outdoor space to help relieve stress and bring you inner peace. Creating an outdoor layout that encourages this is all about planning. Plan where you will place each element of your garden and make sure that they have a purpose. If you have chosen to make your garden an oasis, then you will want to make sure that it offers the elements that you think would make this space special. While this may sound obvious, many people often fail to plan. Planning is essential because it helps you to make decisions regarding certain elements in your garden. Planning also helps you to avoid missing some important elements in your garden that you may have forgotten about.

Choose the right plants for your space and climate

If you are looking for a perfect way to relax and unwind, then a beautiful blooming garden will definitely do the trick. Furthermore, a well-designed outdoor space is also a great spot to ward off depression and anxiety. Therefore, a perfect way to relieve stress and calm down is by planting a garden that contains a variety of fragrant flowers, beautiful shrubs, and colorful trees. But, if you are looking to create a space that is ideal for relaxation and introspection, then you will want to choose flowers, herbs, and plants that have a calm and soothing scent. Furthermore, you will also want to choose plants that have a variety of colors. This will create a space that is visually stimulating while also providing a calming scent.

Light is key - choose the right lighting and source it carefuly

When you create your outdoor space, you need to make sure that it’s well-lit. You can do this by using outdoor lighting like hanging fixtures, wall sconces, or grow lights. Another great way to increase the amount of light in your outdoor space is by hanging white cloths or paper sheets from your ceiling. If you plan on adding plants to your space, then you will especially want to make sure that you’re sourcing the right kind of light for the plant. For example, if you’re adding a flowering plant, then choose one with a strong scent so that it can help to scent your space.

Sounds of nature - listen to them while you work

If you love being surrounded by the sounds of nature, then you will love how this can help to relieve stress and promote relaxation. You can achieve this by planting a variety of plants that naturally produce sounds such as rain, wind, creeks, and birds. This will provide you with a relaxing soundtrack while you work in your garden. If you don’t have access to nature sounds, then you may want to consider using relaxation apps such as Calm or binaural sounds. Binaural sounds are a type of audio that use two sounds playing at the same frequency, but offset by 180 degrees. By pairing two sounds at the same frequency that are 180 degrees out of phase, a dominant frequency is removed and your brain is left with a frequency that is more conducive to relaxation.

Sense of smell - add some aromatherapy to your space

When it comes to scent, there is something that we are hardwired to enjoy more than anything else in the world – food! Therefore, if you want to add another layer of scent to your outdoor space, you can do so by planting a rose bush or a fragrant plant. Not only will these plants add a delicious scent to your space, but they will also help to clean the air in your outdoor area. This will help to ward off odors and provide you with a fresh scent. Furthermore, you can also use essential oils to add a layer of scent to your outdoor space. These types of oils are great because they are safe to use around pets and children and they are very easy to use. You can buy a bottle of essential oil that has a dropper and place it in a vase with fresh flowers. This will help to make your outdoor space smell even better.

Eat, drink, and be merry - design your space for entertaining and eating outdoors.

This tip is especially important if you are looking to create a space that is ideal for outdoor entertaining. A great way to do this is by adding a seating area where you can enjoy meals in the outdoors. You can also use this area to host parties and get-togethers with family and friends. Another thing that you can do to create a fun and inviting outdoor space is to add a fire pit. This can provide you with a perfect place to relax, warm your hands, and enjoy some hot drinks. You can also use a fire pit to burn fake plants like cacti, potted trees, or anything that has a flame.

Privacy is key - don’t forget about outdoor spaces for this purpose.

This tip is especially important if you are looking to create a space that is ideal for quiet reflection. You can do this by creating a space where you have privacy and where you can have quiet time alone. Adding Privacy to your outdoor space can be done in many different ways. For example, you can add a trellis or hedge that separates your space from the rest of the garden, or you can add a wall that separates your space from the rest or the rest of your home.

Connect with people – spend time with loved ones in your garden.

This tip is especially important if you are looking to create a space that is ideal for socializing. You can do this by adding a patio that has table and chairs, or you can add an outdoor fire pit. Another way to add socializing to your outdoor space is by adding plants that have flowers that bloom in the spring and summer. These plants will provide you with beautiful blossoms that will attract butterflies and hummingbirds.


Now that you have received a detailed guide on how to create your perfect garden, you are ready to get down to the business of making your own space a relaxing place where you can escape the hustle and bustle of daily life. Before you begin, make sure to follow these tips to ensure that your outdoor space is as perfect as it can be: Plan your layout thoroughly by choosing the right plants for your space and climate, light is key by choosing the right lighting and source it carefully, sounds of nature - listen to them while you work, sense of smell - add some aromatherapy to your space, and eat, drink, and be merry - design your space for entertaining and eating outdoors. Privacy is key by choosing a spot where you have privacy and where you can have quiet time alone, connect with people - spend time with loved ones in your garden, and create a fun social space where you can connect with friends. Finally, don’t forget about outdoor spaces - add a fire pit, plant blooming plants, and add a trellis or hedge that separates your space from the rest of the garden.
