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Leave your car keys in the microwave: the smart thing everyone does


Gone are the days of the traditional key ring hung just next to the front door or the porcelain empty pocket on the pedestal table in the hall. It is now fashionable to store your car keys in the microwave. At first glance this may seem strange and yet there is a very specific reason that explains this gesture. We tell you everything.

What could be more unexpected than opening your microwave and finding car keys? Yet this is now commonplace. At first glance one might think of a careless mistake on the part of the owner or a secret hiding place. Well not at all, not only is it a completely voluntary gesture but above all it is very important to do it! Let's see why.

Why store your car keys in the microwave?

Not all keys are safe to put in the microwave. Indeed, the keys frequently found in this oven are the latest generation "hands-free" electronic keys operating on vehicles fitted with the Keyless system. This allows doors to be opened and closed as well as contactless starting, no need to put the key in the lock. The key or the card is in fact a remote control which contains a transponder automatically identified by the car as soon as one is nearby. If this is very practical and makes our life easier by avoiding looking for our keys everywhere, emptying our bag to find them, or putting down our shopping bags when we are loaded... There are in return disadvantages such as for example the involuntary opening car doors when passing by, but especially the flight. And yes, the Keyless system is easy to hack... There is a well-known burglary technique which consists of using an amplifier which allows the signal emitted by the key to be extended by more than 100 m. By getting close to the home with this device, the signal from your key will then be carried to the vehicle parked in the street and the door will unlock automatically. All that's left for the thief to do is press the Start button to start and drive off with your car! the signal from your key will then be carried to the vehicle parked on the street and the door will unlock automatically. All that's left for the thief to do is press the Start button to start and drive off with your car! the signal from your key will then be carried to the vehicle parked on the street and the door will unlock automatically. All that's left for the thief to do is press the Start button to start and drive off with your car!

And the microwave then in all this? Well that's where he comes in. Thanks to the materials that compose it, it has the ability to block the waves and therefore prevent a possible amplifier from reaching your keys. It thus plays the role of anti-theft and safe, moreover the refrigerator can do the same, but the humidity and the electronic components of the keys do not mix well. However, be aware that this technique is not 100% reliable and that there are safer ways.

car thief

Car thief – Source: spm

How to protect your car keys effectively

As you will have understood, you have to be very careful with the latest generation keys because in the event of loss or hacking, the consequences are serious. Because even if it may seem paradoxical, the technology present in recent cars makes them easier to steal. Important to know  : if your vehicle is stolen without a break-in, as is the case here, you will not be reimbursed by your car insurance.
It is therefore better to equip yourself with a box or an anti-RFID Faraday pouch, designed to block the waves. Make sure you have one for the keys you go out with as well as for your spare key that stays at home. You can never be too careful! Your keys will be secure and impossible to hack.

Protect your car keys

Protect your car keys – Source: spm

You have now been warned to avoid becoming the victim of these discreet thefts on the rise, which take place in the street at any time of the day without attracting attention and which are the nightmare of motorists.
