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Why is it not recommended to sleep with your cat in the bed? There are several reasons


Since the bed is generally a cozy and warm place, cats like to sleep there and slip into their master's sheets to warm up. Once they get into this habit, it becomes difficult to get them out of bed. Should we give in to their whim? Is it a good or bad idea to sleep with your cat at night? We've got it covered for you.


Many owners admit to sleeping at night with their cat. If the latter brings calm and relaxation thanks to its purr and its comforting little fur, it seems that this is not the best idea. Expert explanations.

A cat sleeping with its master

A cat sleeping with its master – Source: spm

Why is it not good to sleep with your cat?

Some arguments may be against allowing the cat access to the bed, even if opinions differ on this subject. One thing is certain, there are pros and cons. But if you are used to sleeping with your cat, know that there are many disadvantages linked to this annoying habit.

  • The cat can disturb your sleep

Do you want to wake up in shape? For this, it is essential to respect your sleep cycles. But with a cat snuggled under your sheets, it could be complicated. For good reason, the cat does not spend the whole night sleeping. He moves, he eats, he licks himself, he plays, he meows and finally he climbs on his master. Result: it disturbs your sleep and you wake up tired. And getting out of bed can be a bit tricky. Be aware that lack of sleep can impact your state of health. So think twice before giving your cat this habit, especially if you are a light sleeper.

  • The cat can infect you with parasites

Intestinal worms, fleas, ticks… These are undesirables that you don't necessarily want to catch. However, by sleeping with your cat in the bed, the risk exists, even if the cat is vaccinated, dewormed and treated against fleas. In  research  published in the journal CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), veterinary doctors and researchers, Bruno Chomel of Davies University and Ben Sun, a public health official in California, explain that there is a risk not negligible linked to the fact of sleeping with one's cat or dog in bed, relating in particular to the transmission of zoonoses. This infectious disease can be transmitted from animals to humans and can be of bacterial, viral or even parasitic origin, even if it remains rare. The risk of catching other pathologies such as cat scratch disease, toxoplasmosis and many others is not excluded. If your cat, during a walk, comes across other infested cats, all kinds of parasites can end up in your bed. Not to mention the feces that can end up on his pads.

  • The cat can disturb your intimacy

Sleeping the cat in the marital bed can disrupt the couple's intimacy. Whatever the attachment you have to your kitty, it is advisable to make him sleep in another room in which you arrange him a small cozy nest, where he will quickly take pleasure in settling. He will understand that your bed is not his territory.

A cat sleeping in the couple's bed

A cat sleeping in the couple's bed – Source: spm

Sleeping with your cat: let's talk about the Pros!

According to an Australian study, the presence of an animal can help fight against insomnia and reassure anxious people who also suffer from loneliness. The source of heat and the purring would have a soothing, reassuring and comforting effect on the master . Similarly, the benevolent presence of the four-legged companion brings a certain serenity when sleeping. People with a cat would thus have better psychological health and would be less nervous.

A peaceful cat in the arms of its owner

A peaceful cat in the arms of its owner – Source: spm

But it's not just the master who gets his money's worth here. This is all the more comforting for the cat who feels safe and weaves bonds of complicity with his owner. And if your cat likes to sleep with you, it's because he appreciates your presence and loves you.
