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Rub a Teabag on the Computer Screen: The Genius Solution to a Common Problem


Like many people, you think tea bags are single-use. Well, think again! You can recycle them to benefit your home rather than your trash can. You want to know more ? Discover the tricks to reuse your tea bags in several ways. We put you in the mood!

Infused tea bags have a lot to offer your home. We present you tips and tricks to recycle your tea bags. They will be used to maintain your home in all simplici-tea!

Are the tea bags recyclable?

The answer is yes ! It is entirely possible to give a second life to your used tea bags . Like coffee grounds, you can use your sachets in the garden or at home. Be sure to sort them separately in the compost bin, they won't end up in the trash! You'll understand, we don't throw away! We recycle!

Use tea bags 1


Used tea bags – Source: spm

What to do with used tea bags?

Between decoration, useful objects or even fertilizer, one thing is certain: they will be very useful to you!

Use the tea bags to clean your PC screen

Your computer is dirty? Does the accumulation of dust and fingerprints bother you? Do not panic ! You can use a slightly damp tea bag to clean it. Just gently rub your screen and then wipe with a microfiber cloth and you're done! You will have in front of you a clean and clear screen. The result will be nickel!

11 more tips for recycling brewed tea bags

As you will have understood, used tea bags can be reused in several ways. Want more details? Here are grandma's tips for recycling them. Let's get to the point!

Tea leaves: a natural fertilizer for your plants

Brewed tea bags can be used to nourish your garden. Tea leaves are rich in nutrients and minerals, making them an excellent natural fertilizer! How do you use it? Nothing complicated! After removing the clip and the label , place the bag directly in the plant's soil. Whether it's your outdoor garden or your indoor plants. Water generously and voila, it's done!

Flavor your cooking water with tea leaves

Does your pasta lack a bit of Pep? Put a few of your sachets in your pan while cooking to add your little touch. It's a great way to add a new flavor to your favorite sides. Gone are the days of classic rice!

Neutralize bad odors

Tea bags are a perfect solution for lingering foul odors. They spread a pleasant smell in your home. Here are several ways to use it:

  • Pour a few drops into the bottom of kitchen trash cans to neutralize bad smells.
  • Put the used tea bags in boxes, then put them in your fridge to get rid of the strong odors that lodge there.
  • Add dried tea leaves to your cat litter to ward off cat odors.

Use it to absorb moisture

In addition to unpleasant odors, tea bags also absorb moisture. Eh yes ! The dried herbs inside aid the process. You can use it mainly in rooms with high humidity such as the bathroom. Here's a trick to avoid spending money on absorbent bags!

Degrease your dirty dishes

Want to do the dishes later? Carefree ! Pile the sink with your plates, hot water, and add a few used tea bags. Leftover tea will help loosen hard foods and loosen grease. In this way, the dishes will no longer be a chore!

Renew your wooden surfaces

Loose tea bags, an ingenious trick to make your varnished wood shine. Does it look dull? Re-infuse your tea bags and wipe the surface with a clean cloth. Consider using a soft cloth for best results!

Scent your clothes

You can use your tea bags to scent your clothes. Acting as a home fragrance, you can put it in your wardrobe or your linen drawer, to spread a pleasant smell throughout your wardrobe. In addition, these bags will protect your laundry from moths. To combine the useful with the pleasant!

Revitalize your dry hair

We all hope to have shiny, silky hair! You may try different products, but in vain! The natural is yours! Re-infuse your tea bags and reuse the solution after your shampoo. As a result, you revitalize your hair and nourish your scalp. And There you go !

Deodorize your hands

Are your hands smelly after cooking garlic or eating fish? No need to spend forever scrubbing your hands with soap! You will have dry skin without results. We offer you a natural recipe! Brew a used tea bag a second time and wash your hands. You eliminate all unwanted odors!

Considerable benefits for your eyes

Lack of sleep, a great enemy! You will look tired! Look no further, we have the solution you need:

  • Prepare a good little tea!
  • Place the cooled tea bags over your eyes. The tannin in tea promotes blood circulation and reduces puffiness.
Tea bags to relieve pain

Tea bags for eye relief – Source: spm

Everyone will say that you look good!

Water your garden

Want great plants? Then you will need super water! Yes but how ? All you need to do is empty a few used tea bags into your watering can before you start caring for your plants. Water the moist soil and feed your plants naturally!

What if your tea is expired?

Preferably, it is advisable to consume the tea within two years of its manufacture. Only one requirement! Store it in an airtight container, away from humidity and light. Beyond that, it is still possible to consume it without risk, except that it will lose taste and flavor. But between us, tea without flavor is not really a treat! Why not use it in your home maintenance then?

Prepare a cup of tea

Make a cup of tea – Source: spm

In short, tea bags can be used a second time and in different ways. No question of putting them in the trash! Did you know all these tricks? If not, then feel free to apply them. Your turn …
