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Did you receive flowers? What each color means is unexpected


Among our habits and customs, it is fashionable to offer flowers during various events, whether for a wedding, a birth or for any other romantic occasion. But such an offering should not be taken lightly. Because the floral universe has a very particular symbolism. The bouquet you give to a loved one, a colleague or a casual acquaintance says more than you think. It is therefore important to know the exact meaning of the flowers, through their color palette, to convey the desired message without false notes. Decryption.

Language of flowers: the symbolism of colors

bouquets of flowers

Bouquets of flowers – Source: spm

Few people know that the color palette of flowers affects human behavior and directly influences our emotional state. The choice of colors is never trivial, it often reflects our state of mind and our mood of the moment. So when we offer a floral bouquet to someone, unconsciously or not, we are conveying an intentional message. You should know that the symbolism of colors has always been rooted in our traditions. The choice of a floral shade is therefore never random. Each shade, from deep red to bright yellow, has a very specific meaning. Also, before considering offering flowers, it would be wiser to better understand the allegorical field of all these colors in order to convey the most appropriate message.

  • What does the red flower mean?

A bouquet of red flowers

A bouquet of red flowers – Source: spm

The red flower embodies passionate love and ardent love. Traditionally, a bouquet of red roses is often offered to declare one's love to the loved one. This hue symbolizes deep emotions and desires. If your partner offers you red roses, it's to prove their love to you or to let you know that it's time to get more involved in the couple's relationship.

  • What does the pink flower mean?

If pink flowers also embody a feeling of love, they above all reflect the symbol of sweetness, beauty and femininity. But, in the language of flowers, pink also translates other emotions, such as recognition or gratitude towards someone. This is why it is customary to offer pink flowers on Mother's Day, for example. It is a color that also refers to trust and loyalty. Usually, pink is also attributed to friendly and sincere relationships.

  • What does the blue flower mean?

The blue flower is a symbol of security, purity and fidelity. But its allegory is very diverse: it can thus represent serenity, appeasement, nostalgia or even a feeling of peace. Today, in the floral language, this nuance also translates a need for escape, freedom, to travel, to go in search of distant destinations.

  • What does the yellow flower mean?

When you offer a bouquet of yellow flowers, you are trying to convey good vibes, joy and hope. Yellow is intimately linked to optimism, moments of joy and carelessness. Such a bouquet proves that the recipient has every reason to be happy: he is confident in the future that awaits him and he feels the need to share this beautiful energy with those around him.

  • What does the purple flower mean?

Purple flowers are generally said to symbolize success and even royalty, although feelings of admiration, simplicity and tradition can also shine through this hue. But the violet flower is also imbued with mystery and spirituality. It is even often the color chosen by therapists to treat emotional ailments. In another register, this shade can still denote modesty, discretion and shyness. If you receive a bouquet of purple flowers anonymously, tell yourself that it is from a secret admirer who is thinking of you or from a close friend who does not dare reveal these real feelings to you.

  • What does the orange flower mean?

The color of pleasure, adventure and joie de vivre par excellence, the orange flower is both sparkling and full of enthusiasm. The people who give you this type of bouquet admire you and send you positive energies. But this shade also embodies comfort and sincerity. If you offer these flowers, you feel the desire to share joy and happiness.

  • What does the white flower mean?

white flowers

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