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Put a piece of aluminum foil in the chicken: a delicious dinner for only 2 euros


Although it may seem simple for some, cooking a chicken can quickly become a real challenge for others. It only takes a few small mistakes for the recipe to be ruined and your chicken to come out with a tough, dry texture from the oven. Want a very tender and juicy meat to delight the taste buds of your loved ones? This might surprise you, but the aluminum foil will serve as a great boost. To prepare a tasty chicken in the oven without any false notes, quickly discover this clever recipe!

Chicken breast in the oven: easy and cheap recipe with aluminum foil

Why spend too much when you have a valuable ally at home that can save you money and allow you to cook a tasty recipe? For dinner tonight, all you need is a few chicken breasts, some spices, and  aluminum foil . This versatile material will make all the difference. The secret of this successful dish lies in the cooking method that we are going to reveal to you.

Here's how to do it step by step:

Two pieces of chicken breast

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Two pieces of chicken breast – Source: spm


  • 1 large nonstick skillet
  • 1 very sharp knife
  • 1 baking sheet
  • 1 kitchen brush
  • Aluminium foil
  • Cure-dent


  • Chicken fillet, 3 pieces (650 g)
  • 1 teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 teaspoons fine salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground red pepper
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (10 ml)
  • 6 sprigs of parsley
  • 60g grated cheese
  • 3 medium eggs
  • 8 cherry tomatoes
  • 80g cheddar cheese


  1. To start the preparation of our delicious recipe, take a chicken breast and divide it in half.
  2. Then, with a sharp knife, make a deep incision along its entire length, widening the cut inward, but without splitting the  chicken  into two parts. The cut will create a kind of "pocket". Repeat the same cut on all three portions of chicken.
  3. Now, after crumpling up a piece of aluminum foil, insert it into the pockets you just created in the chicken (this should be done within 3 pieces).
  4. Season with black pepper, salt and red pepper. Flip the three chicken breasts over and season the other side.
  5. Place the skillet on the hob over medium heat. Add a little oil and insert the chicken pieces, cooking them first on one side and then on the other. Allow 15 minutes to cook in total.
  6. Once removed from the heat, place them on the baking sheet and set them aside.
  7. Then, in a bowl, chop the parsley, add the cheese and 3 egg whites (don't forget to reserve the yolks). Mix all the ingredients together well.
  8. At this point, remove the foil from the chicken breasts and in the pocket created during cooking, pour the freshly prepared mixture.
  9. To prevent the sides from coming together, use a toothpick and place it horizontally across the cut.
  10. Then take the baking sheet and grease it with vegetable oil. Arrange the chicken slices and cherry tomatoes around.
  11. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes at 200°C. Then, take out the plate and remove the toothpicks.
  12. Sprinkle with grated cheese and the remaining 3 egg yolks on each slice of chicken.
  13.  Return the baking sheet to the oven at 200°C for 5 minutes.
  14. And that's it: serve your chicken breasts wrapped in aluminum foil, still hot and steaming. Your guests will enjoy themselves! This recipe is a good alternative to  red meat  . You can accompany it with a classic wine.

How do you know if the chicken is well cooked in the oven?

Warning: overcooking a chicken can make it dry and tasteless. To avoid drying it out, tilt it so that the juice drains properly. To properly assess doneness, observe its color. If it is transparent, it is probably cooked, while pinkish flesh indicates that it is not yet cooked. The same test can be done by directly piercing the chicken in the thick part of the breast or in the thigh. If you find that the juice is clear, then the cooking is good. You can still check it another way: when piercing, keep the tip of your knife in the chicken for at least 15 seconds, then use it to touch the inside of your wrist. If it's hot enough, your chicken is definitely done. Another tried and true test is to stick a toothpick inside the flesh.

Do you have to cover the chicken in the oven to obtain perfect cooking?

Put the chicken breasts in the oven
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Putting the chicken breasts in the oven – Source: spm

In absolute terms, it's not a good idea to cover the chicken when cooking it. But, it all depends on the recipe you want to prepare. If you're cooking a whole chicken and want it juicy and moist, you can choose to cover it when cooking. To do this, use aluminum foil to wrap it well and keep the moisture it will release. But, if you want to prepare  a crispy chicken , it is better not to cover it. This will allow the juices to evaporate a bit and make the skin crispier as it cooks.

NB  : it is also possible to combine these two methods, by cooking the chicken in two stages, covering the first part and uncovering the other part. Or vice versa.

Why is chicken tough after cooking?

When you overcook a chicken breast, it loses the elasticity of its protein fibers and develops a very tough texture. There are several reasons for this: poor control of the cooking time, lack of attention, inadequate temperature in the oven or perhaps even the fear that the chicken is not cooked enough. This latter case is very common. It should also be noted that undercooked chicken is rubbery, unpleasant to eat, but it is also dangerous for your health, since it can lead to food poisoning. So it's always best to put it back in the oven or pan to cook properly. Simply respect the cooking time and check its flesh regularly so as not to make mistakes.
